Congratulations on taking the next steps in the CCW process. Paladin will provide you with the highest-quality experience to obtain the 16 hours of required training.
You will take two 8-hour classes. For your convenience, they can be taken in either order and don't have to be taken during the same week:
1) CCW Foundations
2) Basic Pistol
Each class costs $275 with NO extra charge to qualify up to 3 pistols.
IMPORTANT: You must come to class with a quality OUTSIDE-THE-WAISTBAND holster. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the class and forfeiture of class fees. Inside-the-waistband or any holster which uses an index-finger retention system (e.g. SERPA) is not allowed on the range.
You may also consider purchasing a quality belt and other equipment prior to class. Purchase your gear at the Paladin Store and we will deliver it to your door or bring it to you in class.
See below for more information: