About the Course
This class takes VCAT to the next level. Drawing on skills from VCAT 1 & 2, students will fight under adverse conditions such as induced weapon stoppages and simulated injuries. The class will pressure-test the students in a safe training environment in order to help them maintain composure and prevail in a gunfight. The following topics will be covered:
Modified VCAT 1 & 2 drills
Clearance of stoppages: both one-handed and two-handed
One-handed reloading
Basic casualty care skills
Stay in the fight while injured and dealing with injured teammates
Prerequisite: VCAT 1, VCAT 2, and legally allowed to possess a firearm.
Handgun with 2+ magazines and 150 rounds of ammunition
Carbine with 3+ magazines and 250 rounds of ammunition
Your Instructor
Dan Butler

Dan retired from the FBI after 24 years of service. He is skilled in crisis management, criminal investigation, intelligence, and law enforcement training. His assignments included SWAT Senior Team Leader (tactical commander), Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordinator, Chairman of the Bay Area Terrorism Working Group (BATWinG) and Supervisory Special Agent. Over the last 20 years, he has provided tactical/firearms instruction to hundreds of local, federal, and foreign law enforcement officers. He is certified as a firearms instructor by multiple agencies including the California Department of Justice. Dan has a Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California and is a nationally-registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).